
Monday 1 January 2018

How to Change cutters using Mach3 - episode 199

An email I received a few days ago asked about how to change cutters in Mach3.
While it seems a simple question there are several things that need to occur before tool changes work correctly. For those of us that have this sorted we don't give it a second thought but if you have never done it before and your machine is not setup to work properly the process can be a bit frustrating.
This video will cover the 3 items you need to have to acheive a tool change

Click to watch

I hope this helps and you will be changing cutters without a 2nd thought.



  1. Hi Peter , I am having problem with the tool chang , I go step by step following you video but I am losing the Z position . The cuter dont start from the 0 position . Please help
